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How to create responsive advertising for a beginner?

Have you ever visited a website on your mobile phone or tablet and noticed that some advertisements were too big or too small to fit on the screen? Or maybe…

Comment calculer et comprendre son CPM (cout par mille)
How to calculate and understand your CPM (cost per thousand)

For businesses looking to launch digital advertising campaigns, understanding the costs involved can be a daunting task. One of the most commonly used metrics in digital advertising is CPM, which…

Les video ads : Ces nouveaux formats publicitaires
Video ads: These new advertising formats

In today's digital age, advertising has taken on new forms, with video ads becoming a popular and effective way to reach potential customers. Video ads have the potential to be…

Automatisation du marketing

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Facebook Ads

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Fidélisation de clients

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Génération de leads

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Gestion de la réputation en ligne

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Google Ads

Comment calculer et comprendre son CPM (cout par mille)
How to calculate and understand your CPM (cost per thousand)

For businesses looking to launch digital advertising campaigns, understanding the costs involved can be a daunting task. One of the most commonly used metrics in digital advertising is CPM, which…

Les video ads : Ces nouveaux formats publicitaires
Video ads: These new advertising formats

In today's digital age, advertising has taken on new forms, with video ads becoming a popular and effective way to reach potential customers. Video ads have the potential to be…

Guide détaillé pour lancer des annonces de produits sur Google Ads
Step-by-step guide to running product ads on Google Ads

In today's competitive online marketplace, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to attract customers and boost sales. Advertising on Google Ads is a great way to reach potential…

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Marketing B2B

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Marketing d'affiliation

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Marketing d'influence

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Marketing de bouche à oreille

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Marketing de chatbot

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Marketing de contenu

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Marketing de produit

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Marketing par email

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Marketing sur réseaux sociaux

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Marketing vidéo

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Mesure et analyse de performance

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Publicité native

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Référencement local

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TikTok Ads

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